Refunds and Disbursements

Refund Policy (Return of Payment)

  • 学生在学期的第三个教学日结束前退课或没有出现,将获得100%的适用学费和可退还费用, excluding the application fee. *注意:16周课程的学生在第7个教学日之前可以获得100%的退款
  • 在学期第三个教学日之后退课的学生将不获退款,并自行承担所有学杂费. *注意:学生退出16周的课程,在第7个教学日之后将不会收到退款.
  • 但在第三个教学日之后,学费和杂费将不予退还, 接受联邦佩尔助学金的退学学生的奖学金将根据联邦学生援助手册中概述的“回归第四章”流程进行调整.
  • 商业或工业或持续教育课程的退款,必须在上课第一天之前以书面形式提交退款申请,并附上收据原件.
  • A student does not have to request a Refund. 所有十大网赌平台推荐退款都是通过学院的第三方服务处理的, 银行移动支付,一个技术解决方案,由BMTX, Inc. All students must 去银行移动支付网站,选择他们希望如何收到他们的学生退款. Once the student has made a refund selection, 他们的退款选择将在BankMobile payments中保持有效,直到学生返回BankMobile payments网站并更改它.
  • 南新月职业技术学院取消的课程将全额退还. Application and insurance fees are non-refundable.

Anticipated Excess Financial Aid Refund Schedule for Spring 2024


退款通过银行移动支付处理,这是一种技术解决方案,由BMTX公司提供支持.. Students are required to set up their refund preference



  1. Financial Aid Schedule- Spring 2024 Terms
  2. Disbursed/Received date-这是资金转移到学生付费方的日期-在这个日期, 学生将有一个负余额,表明即将为学生退款.
  3. Anticipated Refund Date to students– financial aid funds will be submitted to BMTX, In. 学生将收到一封电子邮件,通知他们所选择的退款偏好可以获得资金. Visit this link for more information:



Financial Aid Schedule Disbursed/Received date                Anticipated   Refund Date to Students
Spring 2024 FULL-TERM  

February 5, 2024


February 21, 2024

Spring 2024 TERM M1 AND F1  

February 5, 2024


February 21, 2024

Spring 2024 TERM F2  

March 20, 2024


March 20, 2024

Spring 2024 TERM M2  

April 17, 2024


April 17, 2024

Spring 2024 TERM F3  

April 29, 2024


May 15, 2024


How to Get Your Financial Aid Refund



银行移动支付,一个技术解决方案,由BMTX, Inc. 南新月技术学院的官方退款处理机构是什么. For more information about BankMobile Disbursements, visit:

所有退款都通过银行移动支付流程进行处理. 要查看我们的第三方服务合同退款管理,请点击 here.

NOTE: Regardless of the method chosen for your financial aid refund, 任何学期的第一次退款将在学期开始后大约48天发出.

Any subsequent refunds due to student, within that semester will be processed approximately every 14 days.




Full, M1, and F1 Spring 2024 December 4, 2023 – January 26, 2024
F2 Spring 2024
TermFebruary 19 – 23, 2024
M2 Spring 2024
Term March 4 – 15, 2024
F3 Spring 2024-
TermApril 8 – 12, 2024

   *****STUDENT ID REQUIRED to purchase books*****

Click Here to Order Online

Bookstore Locations

Griffin Campus
501 Varsity Rd
Griffin, GA 30223

Flint River Campus
1533 Hwy 19 South
Thomaston, GA 30286

Bookstore Hours

Campus Day(s) Hours
Griffin Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Griffin Friday 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Flint River Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Flint River Monday – Thursday Closed for lunch:
12:30 PM – 1:15 PM

NOTE: Bookstore hours may vary between semesters.

Click Here to Order Online

Financial Aid Refunds

如果你所有的经济援助的总和超过了你的直接学费, mandatory fees, and bookstore charges for the semester, you will receive an excess financial aid refund. 超额的财政援助退款通过银行移动支付发放, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. approximately 48 days after the start of the semester.


  • 退/加期结束后,一旦出勤/注册确认(大约学期的第二周), the U.S. 教育部和/或乔治亚州学生财务委员会将以电子方式将资金转移到南新月技术学院(十大网赌平台推荐),以应用于每个合格学生的账户.
  • 一旦这些资金被应用,每个账户就会被评估,以确定到期的退款金额, a refund will be issued through 银行移动支付,一个技术解决方案,由BMTX, Inc.  联邦法规允许大学在15个日历日内发放/邮寄多余的经济援助退款.
  • 十大网赌平台推荐将在学期开始后大约四(4)周开始处理多余的经济援助退款.                  

BankMobile Disbursements

银行移动支付,一个技术解决方案,由BMTX, Inc. 南新月技术学院的官方退款处理机构是什么. For more information about BankMobile Disbursements, visit: 

所有退款都通过银行移动支付流程进行处理. 要查看我们的第三方服务合同退款管理,请点击 here.

NOTE: Regardless of the method chosen for your student refund, 任何学期的第一次退款将在学期开始后大约48天发出.

Any subsequent refunds due to you, the student, within that semester will be processed approximately every 14 days.

Opt-Out of bookstore credit option

If a student chooses to “opt out” of the bookstore credit, 然后,学生需要在学期开始前一周在商务办公室的收银窗口填写“申请退出书店积分”表格. 只要这些授权在Banner中有效,它们就会有效.

Note: “选择退出”选项不允许您提前收到您的经济援助退款.  任何学期的第一套退款将在学期开始后大约48天发送给学生.


CARES/HEERF2 Authorization

南新月技术学院必须征得您的同意才能使用CARES资金支付您的学杂费余额.  Please use the CARES/HEERF2 link below to authorize.  Students who do not wish to receive CARES funds, to cover balances, 是否可以拒绝这些资金并将其用于其他出席费用. Additionally, 不想接受助学金来支付学费和费用余额的学生需要联系商务办公室进行付款安排.